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The Full Story


     As a clinician I believe that the client’s brain and body have the natural ability to heal itself. I create a safe holding space for clients to tap into their imagination and utilize their imagination as an internal resource. I weave imagination, curiosity, and wonder into the various modalities that I utilize including: Mindfulness, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, EMDR, Brainspotting, and various somatic techniques.


     I believe that each person is an author of their life, they have a story to share, and their story has value. Lori Gottlieb states, “Everyone who goes into therapy has a story to tell about why they are there-this is called the presenting problem. As therapists, we listen, but we don’t mistake the initial story for the entire story. As we edit this story together, some major characters become minor ones and the clients own role might change from a bit player to a hero/heroine.”


     Some of the chapters in our story were scary, defeating, negative, maybe even traumatic, and this has lead us to believe that we are scary, depressed, negative, or messed up. There are false narratives and lies that we may tell ourselves based on emotionally disturbing experiences that happen to us throughout these chapters of our lives. I encourage clients to start editing their negative narratives. I invite clients to image a safe container to contain these lies, create a happy place in their minds eye, to be a conduit of positive light, and I guide them to reflect on their core values to help dispel these false narratives. If one weaves positive imagery into ones life story this creates wonder, possibilities, and transcends problems. Imagination immobilizes one to illuminate their core essence, see unique possibilities and perspectives, and make room to embrace a rich life narrative. When we choose to author our lives from a positive vantage point we amplify are brilliance, which is our core essence. Upon embracing our core, we live out an authentic existence which is energetically powerful beyond measure.


     Natalie utilizes the various aforementioned modalities of therapy to help clients mange the following problems:

     • Anxiety

     • Depression
     • Impulsivity
     • Anger
     • Trauma
     • Childhood Disorders -Communication Difficulties



Natalie believes that each individual has a path in life that is unique to them. Natalie helps

clients reconnect to their core essence by encouraging clients to state their core vales and

carry out these values in their daily lives. Natalie supports clients in identifying the parts of

them that are blocking their values, so that their core essence can shine. Natalie comes

alongside families and couples to get to know their strengths and she taps into these

strengths so clients can be their own advocates and agents for change within the family

system. Natalie educates families and couples on effective interpersonal skills to aid in healthy

communication patterns so everyone can get their needs met in a supportive environment.

She helps parents develop proactive parenting plans. She works with individuals in helping

them transform their negative thought patterns into positive self-talk. Natalie utilizes

mindfulness and somatic tools to help clients focus on the present moment and be able to

manage their emotions in an adaptive way.


Trauma Work

Natalie believes that immobilization is at the root of all trauma. The goal of working through trauma is to help mobilize an individual who feels stuck so healing can occur. Trauma is an

internal imprint of the experience that effects the mind, body, and soul. Our experience is remembered in our brain through negative neural networks and in our body through either an overactive or under active nervous system. The good news is that there are two evidence

based modalities that are proven to be effective in working through trauma: Brainspotting and

EMDR. Natalie is certified in both of these modalities. Both of these modalities help relax the body and create more positive neural networks in the brain. In creating positive neural

networks we perceive ourselves and the world differently which helps rebalance and restore

our lives.



EMDR is a brain-body based approach to healing. EMDR is a neurobiological, somatic, and experiential experience. EMDR is an acronym that stands for: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. EMDR mimics the biological mechanisms of REM sleep. Through bi-lateral stimulation (there are various types of bi-lateral stimulation and the therapist will help you find the best fit for you which may include: tapping, looking at fingers going back and forth in your visual field, looking at lights that move back and forth, listening to bi-lateral music and using a bi-lateral hand massager) it can promote a sense of relaxation within your nervous system as well as integrate new neural connections in your brain. EMDR is an evidence based

modality for treating PTSD however there are a number of studies that show that EMDR is also successful in treating a myriad of problems including: low self-esteem, attachment difficulties, anxiety, and depression. EMDR is a multiple step process which includes: readiness assessment, education on EMDR and various coping skills and mindfulness techniques, mapping out issues (targets) that client wants to work through, introduction to various forms of bi-lateral stimulation used to promote right/left brain hemisphere connections, positive resource installation, standard protocol with aids clients in working through their issues, and future protocol which includes visualizing a more positive perspective on your life/issue.


In Brainspotting where you look determines how you feel. This is a modality of therapy where it

directs the parasympathetic nervous system into a state of neutrality through your visual field.

Brainspotting utilizes the clients visual field as a reflection of the clients inner experience.

Brainspotting therapists create a safe space to help clients work through their

issues by helping clients access the deepest, subcortical, parts of their brain. Therapist aids

their clients’ awareness of brain-body activations with a relevant eye position that corresponds

to the issue that a client wants to work on; this is called a Brainspot. Clients can get curious

about what is coming up for them organically while holding their gaze on the Brainspot

position. The client may listen to music that is specifically recorded for bilateral stimulation

during this process which may help a client’s brain integrate what they are processing.


NeEd Some help now?


© 2022 by Natalie Keese-Hamm       |       Last updated August 12th 2024

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